VENERABLE VERBIAGE is on the way!!!
This is Barry Kleiman and I personally wanted to congratulate you on subscribing to my free monthly newsletter:
The ultimate and overarching goal of Venerable Verbiage is to share monthly with you a small but hopefully highly practical, highly “actionable” career success tidbit” that will be either catalytic and/or profound.
To be clear, these may be things you already know but maybe aren’t doing OR aren’t doing well OR aren’t doing consistently well…
Each anecdote, story, concept, suggestion (aka tidbit) are things learned over the decades whether from either hard-earned, bone-on-bone experiences or from the many clients, constituents, mentors, coaches and friends I’ve been fortunate enough to have in my life.
“We learned more from a 3 minute record than we ever learned in school”
– Bruce Springsteen
Anyway…the newsletter and more valuable information are on their way to your InBox right now so please watch for that which might be the most important piece of information, containing a key to experiencing both the financial as well as the emotional satisfaction you deserve.
(Hopefully you’ll also be entertained and inspired as that too is the goal!)
If there’s any kind of problem with it not arriving, or if you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us via email at info@barrykleiman.
Thank you and watch for that email!
My best to you always,
Author (and resident OLD GUY)