In the spirit of trying to get better, trying to learn and of course “share the ball” with others we’ve recorded many of the “live” career development classes we’ve taught as well as seminars we’ve run.
Below are links to some of these but buyer beware…
We’re proud of the content but the actual video production is very rough…the videos themselves were not meant to be made into feature length films…moreso to document the events and content
(One more thing…each of these are password protected with the password being: truth)
UCLA Undergraduate Business Society Presentation
Entire 7 Truths – Presentation
Interviews – Presentation
Resume – Presentation
Elevator Speech by Barry Kleiman
Marketing is conveying value by Barry Kleiman
Resumes by Barry Kleiman
The truth in interviewing by Barry Kleiman
Truth quotes by Barry Kleiman
What’s important now (W.I.N.) by Barry Kleiman
Win Statement Truths by Barry Kleiman